The artist "Art.Mann" (Sebastian Artmann) deals in his work with abstract painting and sculpture. The focus of the current creative phase is the question of how far consciously or unconsciously tangible features of thought manipulation can be visualized and experienced in the form of art. The "Juicy" series provides this with an aesthetic framework, a fixed choice of colors and strict rules. In repetition, sensually appealing works are created. In particular, the factor of coincidence is an integral part of all works and completes all discipline and order.
„My abstract paintings resemple shapes of eternal places. They reign discretely over the space they populate, but offer transpherence fascinating the observer. A space where our souls feel save and at the right spot on its restless journey through many earthly lifes.
The artist (Sebastian Artmann aka „Art.Mann“) – used to live in Hamburg for about a decade, is longtime supporter of Viva con Agua Arts and now lives with his family in Cologne, Germany. His work is represented in private collections in Switzerland, U.S., Germany and Japan. His work has been exhibited in Hamburg and Cologne, London, New York, London, Zurich and Tokyo.
Selected exhibitions:
- July: Hamburg, Millerntor Gallery #11 „Christie’s Auction“ + Exhibition
- November: Berlin, Hyatt Hotel – WKK e.V. „Charity Gala“ – Auction
- October: London (UK), The Holy Art Gallery
- September: Cologne, Offene Ateliers Köln
- June: Hamburg, Millerntor Gallery, #10 „Christie’s Auction“
- March: Hamburg, WeMadeThisGallery, „Art Against War“
- January: Berlin, Hotel Adlon – WKK e.V., „Charity Gala“ – Auction
- September: Cologne, Offene Ateliers Köln
- June: Cologne, Cologneo @ Kunstwerk e.V. „Charity Gala“ – Auction
- August: Tokio (JP), Design Festa Gallery
- July: Hamburg, Millerntor Gallery #9
- September: Maastricht (NL), Waterhouse Gallery
- June: Hamburg, Millerntor Gallery #8
- September: Tokio (JP), Design Festa Gallery „Art.Mann – Verbündete“ (solo)
- July: Hamburg, Millerntor Gallery #7
- April: Zurich (CH), TART, Volume_One
- October: Lucerne (CH), „Neusicht“
- July: Hamburg, Millerntor Gallery #6
- October: New York City (US), MF Gallery, The MF Toy Show